martes, 17 de enero de 2012

“Rules of irregular Verbs “

The past tense form is used alone ( finite verb ). 
Group . 2 – the irregular verbs are those  that have  a different form   in the past as in the present.
Present                                   Past
Bring                               Brought
Catch                              caught
Dive                                 Dove
Fight                               fought
Flee                                 Fled
Fling                               flung
Get                                   got
Lead                                led
Lose                                lost
Say                                 said
Shine                            shone
Sit                                  sat
Sting                           stung
Swing                         swung

THE AUXILIARY VERB “ TO DO “ in the past
in all the persons
  I / YOU / WE / THEY       Did
In 3º person singular
SHE / HE / IT   Did 

The diphthongs , / OU  /  are very irregular
In the following is pronounced /  Ʌ /
   Cousin            trouble            rough           couple               courtesy       Double             young              country          courage          flourish
In the following is pronounced /  O /
Bought      brought      fought       ought       sought    thought
In cough  , ou  is equivalent to / Ʌ /   __/ KɅf /

I’m your Personal English Coach in Granollers, Barcelona.
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