domingo, 22 de abril de 2012


Space outer has always interested for men. As much as we know about the cosmos, we feel more passion for it. For this reason, there are other kinds of people who want to sell outlaw scam deed for the moon, stars, planets.
Since men can see the stars, they would like to go for them. After that, Scientifics had built a hand telescope; a powerful device which they can see better the stars and constellations. Later, men constructed a planetary, with more and more view about the sky. Finally, astronauts went to the moon and they put in orbit satellites; with these items, we can see much better another systems, constellations outside of ourselves; even our own solar system. All of these allows to saw it with amazing images.
Although we have known more about the cosmos, we like get challenges. For instance, one of the new challenges for man is organized journeys to the moon. Other example to discovery life outside of earth. Thus, whereas our knowledge is more of the planets, we change the goals for there. one point of view for these spacial outer goals is because the new generations think that the future of the humans maybe will be to live in other planets as Mars, or maybe live in other planets outside of our own solar system.
On the other hand, there are creative enterprises who sell lands in other planets, or stars, or constelations. Although these business there are not totally legal, the US government allows these kind of sells in their country. therefore, you can buy a star for your wife, or a piece of land in the moon for your daugther. For one kind of buyers, it´s a funny way to show their love or passion for someone who loves you; for others, is a pathway to obtain lands in other planets and astronauts they must pay for step their lands. All part of a scam business but with very large gains.
In short, a enterprise millionary sells certificates for almost anything in the space outer. However, nobody recognizes as legal these documents. What for one is fun, for others is business. Always exploiting the curiosity of the cosmos. to me, If I will buy a deed, I would like to know if this certificate is just for joke and I don´t like feel to rip me off.

Space outer has always interested for men. = Outer space  has always had  interest in men.
After that, Scientifics had built a hand telescope; a powerful device which they can see better the stars and constellations =  Scientifics had built a hand telescope; a powerful device with which they can see better the stars and constellations
 All of these allows to saw it with amazing images. =  All of these allow to see amazing images.
Although we have known more about the cosmos, we like get challenges. = Although we have not  known much about the cosmos, we like the  challenges.
one of the new challenges for man is organized journeys to the moon. one of the new challenges for men is organized journeys to the moon.

Other example to discovery life outside of earth. Other example is to discover life outside of the earth.

whereas our knowledge is more of the planets, we change the goals for there whereas our knowledge is more of the planets, we change the goals for them
one point of view for these spacial outer goals is because the new generations think that the future of the humans maybe will be to live in other planets as Mars = One point of view , for these spacial outer goals are the new generations think that the future of the humans ,maybe ,will be living  in other planets as Mars
there are creative enterprises who sell lands in other planets, or stars, or constelations. = there are creative enterprises that sell lands in other planets, or stars, or constelations.
Although these business there are not totally legal, the US government allows these kind of sells in their country. = Although these business   are not totally legal, the US government allows these kind of sales in their country.

For one kind of buyers, it´s a funny way to show their love or passion for someone who loves you; for others, is a pathway to obtain lands in other planets and astronauts they must pay for step their lands. = For a kind of buyers, it´s a funny way to show their love or passion for someone who they love ; for others,it is a way to obtain lands in other planets and astronauts they must pay for stepping their lands.
a enterprise millionary sells certificates for almost anything in the space outer. a millionaire enterprise  sells certificates for almost anything in the  outer space. 
What for one is fun, for others is business.= What it is funny for somebody, for others is business.
If I will buy a deed, I would like to know if this certificate is just for joke and I don´t like feel to rip me off. = If I bought a deed, I would like to know, if this certificate is just a joke and I don´t like  someone to rip me off.

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